• To totally eradicate the pervasive graduate unemployment in Nigeria.

  • To supply, to undergraduates and young graduates, a mentality and mindset of personal value building and self-development through early acquisition of critical value-adding skills, beyond academics; and to help them (undergraduates especially) acquire such skills while they are still in school, such that at graduation, their values have heightened greatly beyond that of contemporary Nigerian graduates, who are mostly jobless or unemployed BECAUSE THEY KNOW NOTHING ELSE APART FROM WHAT THEY WERE TAUGHT IN SCHOOL.

  • To bring various extra-curriculum skills that are in high demand in the job market to campuses at an affordable cost or no cost at all, so that students don’t have to wait until graduation before acquiring such skills (or pay huge sums to acquire them after graduation when it will be expensive) as this is when they have time.

  • To create various platforms where students can be trained and equipped to be ‘job ready’ in order to function effectively in any organization without having to queue up in the job market after graduation.

  • To help students bag ‘working experiences’ concurrently while they still pursue academic excellence since most employers would always ask for ‘working experience’, a dilemma which most graduates don’t know how to deal with yet.

  • To make students become valuable individuals to any employer, organization and the society ever before they leave school.

  • To fashion a synergy between academics and skills acquisition.

  • To help students discover who they really are so that their efforts in life can be channeled towards the direction (career) that will optimally maximize their chances of success in life.

  • To help Nigerian students imbibe correct reasons for pursuing education and academic excellence.

  • To help Nigerian students come to a place where they can stand shoulders up on any ground or field with any other students/graduate in other parts of the world, without inferiority, incompetency, or any such things.

  • To create avenues where students can build their confidence and ability to deliver on organizational tasks and job functions, ahead of graduation or job entry.

  • To disciple Nigerian undergraduates and fresh graduates to become ‘idea generators’ rather than being dependents or lay-abouts.

  • To tutor Nigerian youths on personal development and self-branding in order to attract and keep their dream jobs.

  • To guide students on the pathway to financial success and self-dependence.

  • To run students through the acquisition of highly needed leadership qualities for life and career success, while still in school.

  • To make students sellable and have no problem looking for jobs.

  • To help students gain financial freedom and learn critical financial principles while still in school

  • To keep ‘loading’ students up with valuesand requisite skillsthat will make it difficult or impossible to ignore or replace them in any place of function they may find themselves after graduation.

  • To make students stand out academically while unleashing their hidden potentials right from school

  • To inculcate in them the virtue of self-reliance and job creation while on campus.

  • To make students learn as many value-adding skills as possible irrespective of what course they are studying or studied.